Blog, Oct 2018

Heavy Petting issue 5

Wed 10 Oct 2018

Well, I enjoyed the 4 Heavy Petting plotlines while I reworked them into plain comics so much that I finished up the script for the 5th one. I have the cover and the 1st page completed today. I'll have a second page completed shortly, which I'll post on my blog on Friday.

So what happens in issue 5? It's aptly titled “Caught!” Kevin is busy reaping the benefits of the “tittie trances” when he gets CAUGHT by a husband! Mr Jordan (who benches 300) walks in on Kevin doing the man's WIFE! Is there any way that Kevin cvan survive the man's anger?! Or is this the end of Kevin?! If Kevin DOES survive, perhaps he will gain another clue to these mysterious trances ... ?

Stay tuned ...

Wow! I hadn't realized I had gotten so (overly) disciplined. Working with Ganesha (and with Ren'py too), new images pop up over top of the previous image. Play around like that long enough, and you get two logical consequences pounded into your head (or you pound them into your head yourself): (1) don't change the viewer's position once it is set; and (2) don't change the aspect ratio of the image.

I'll occasionally break rule (1) above, but I think it is ALWAYS very deliberate when I do nowadays. If action has been occuring at sitting height and I was zoomed in enough to see it clearly, I might raise the viewer's perspective if one character stands up or gets taller or something. When I very first started making images for these games, I wasn't so careful about that, and just happily bounced the viewer's perspective around. And that winds up being like that cheap camera motion effect (like it's a hand-held held in trembly hands) that every show wanted to try a few years back -- it gives you vertigo after a while. Puke ...

So: once you place the viewer's veiwpoint, don't move it without careful consideration. Remember: you're almost doing flipbook type animation with your images here.

Rule (2) gets broken even less. Early on, I aimed fior 800 x 600 pixel images. If you ever do anything that is not that size, you almost always scale and/or pad to get that size.

Now ... when I'm playing with traditional comic formats for you guys, NONE of that applies! The image in panel 2 does NOT get overlaid over the image in panel 1. They can be entirely different sizes and aspects and even viewpoints. In fact, you WANT them to vary. Otherwise you wind up with a rather boring 2x3 set of panels with similar images in each panel. Yeah, that looked good when the image of Bryan sitting in a room got overlaid with another image where Trish just entered, then another where she walked over to Bryan -- but laid out in an array of panels on a page, it just looks tedious.

Ha! So I'm relearning to break self-imposed rules again, now that I'm tinkering with (non-LIVE) traditional comics that you guys might also enjoy. Just a heads-up, I guess, that the comic style may be a little stiff until I get loosened back up again.

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations

Heavy Petting 5-02

Fri 12 Oct 2018

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations

Heavy Petting 5-03

Mon 15 Oct 2018

The next page of the new Heavy Petting tale is available. I'm going to try to complete a second page for Wednesday and third page for Friday this week -- which I'll post at my blog. These are the in-progress pages. Once I get the whole thing complete, I'll make the complete tale available as a PDF and as a CBZ (a zip of the page images).

Hmm, mid-sex, hot neighbor Jennifer Jordan suddenly has to touch her toes-two-three-four?! What's with that?

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations

Heavy Petting 5-04

Wed 17 Oct 2018

Sure, ask away, Mr Jordan. I'm just gonna ... hang around here, inside you wife's, uhm ...

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations

Heavy Petting 5-05

Thu 18 Oct 2018

Want some nachos, Kevin?
Naw, I'm good with your wife's snuggly crotch here. Thanks, though.

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations

Heavy Petting 5-06

Mon 22 Oct 2018

Haberblunderbilterguntenzumblatterdash! I ain't old!

One new page posted below. And I should have two more pages done and posted this week — on Wednesday and on Friday. Enjoy!

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations

Heavy Petting 5-07

Wed 24 Oct 2018

Hey, Kev, is that my wife's throat?
    Wrapped around your, uh ... ?

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations

Heavy Petting 5-08

Fri 26 Oct 2018

Now, if Kevin had gotten it wrong ...

Short-suck, short, short,
Short-suck, short, short, short,
Short-suck, short,
Long-suck or maybe a moderately painful bite ...

It's Morse code for ...

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations

Heavy Petting 5-09

Mon 29 Oct 2018

Hey, Kev, you're not ... putting anything into my wife's mouth
under that countertop there, are you?
Because that would be ...

Going to aim for a Monday-Wednesday-Friday update schedule again this week. First new page is posted below.

Hey, and happy Halloweek!

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations

Theresa Simpson game available again

Tue 30 Oct 2018

The entirety of the Theresa Simpson game to this point is now available from this thread over at Hypnopics Collective (many many thanks to TeraS for her generous help with this!). It is not finished yet (though I definitely intend to complete the ending), but this restores the chapters that I had to take down for a while. It's not part of any patron reward, it's there for free for everyone (well, okay, for everyone that's adult and not offended by sexy/sexual situations and talk).

If you enjoy it, I ask that you express thanks by supporting TeraS and Hypnopics Collective here:

Live well,

Heavy Petting 5-10

Wed 31 Oct 2018

Kevin: Wise beyond my years?
    Yeah, I like that.
    What do you think, wife of the man I just cucked?

Rated R: only click image if you're an adult not offended by strong language or sexy/sexual situations