Theresa Simpson
image for Dollars and Sins

The Enslavement of Theresa Simpson
       aka: Bastard Made Mom a Sex Slave

(in progress)

Paul always had the prettiest mom at school.
See, though, that can sometimes be a problem …

In Fugue's tribute to Russ Martin's excellent novels, a teacher and mother finds her world turned upside down.

LIVE! Graphic Novel Works

Preview 1 is available online here and downloadable here (28 MB).

Chapter 1a is available online here and downloadable here (28 MB).

Chapters 1b, 2, 3a and 3b are written and illustrated, but awaiting a distribution medium.

Note about Online/Download versions: Depending on your internet connection, you may enjoy the online versions above. If the pictures are too slow coming up, then download the downloadable version, unzip it in some folder, then open the .html file there in your browser.

Text Story

The text story is a novelization from the LIVE! Graphic Novel.

Chapters 1a to most of chapter 2 are available: here.


A game may be possible in the future.